本文共 4388 字,大约阅读时间需要 14 分钟。
对于更新的数据,需要记录更新前的记录到历史表。 这个需求有点类似于审计需求,即需要对记录变更前后做审计。 我以前有写过使用hstore和触发器来满足审计需求的文档,有兴趣的同学可以参考 本文的目的并不是审计,而且也可能不期望使用触发器。 还有什么方法呢? PostgreSQL 这么高大上,当然有,而且还能在一句SQL里面完成,看法宝。 创建一张当前状态表,一张历史记录表。postgres=# create table tbl(id int primary key, price int);CREATE TABLEpostgres=# create table tbl_history (id int not null, price int);CREATE TABLE插入一条不存在的记录,不会触发插入历史表的行为。 注意替代变量
id=$1 = 2price=$2 = 7postgres=# with old as (select * from tbl where id= $1), postgres-# new as (insert into tbl values ($1, $2) on conflict (id) do update set price=excluded.price where tbl.price<>excluded.price returning *) postgres-# insert into tbl_history select old.* from old,new where old.id=new.id;INSERT 0 0postgres=# select tableoid,ctid,* from tbl union all select tableoid,ctid,* from tbl_history ; tableoid | ctid | id | price ----------+-------+----+------- 18243 | (0,1) | 2 | 7(1 row)插入一条不存在的记录,不会触发插入历史表的行为。
id=$1 = 1price=$2 = 1postgres=# with old as (select * from tbl where id= $1), new as (insert into tbl values ($1, $2) on conflict (id) do update set price=excluded.price where tbl.price<>excluded.price returning *) insert into tbl_history select old.* from old,new where old.id=new.id;INSERT 0 0postgres=# select tableoid,ctid,* from tbl union all select tableoid,ctid,* from tbl_history ; tableoid | ctid | id | price ----------+-------+----+------- 18243 | (0,1) | 2 | 7 18243 | (0,2) | 1 | 1(2 rows)插入一条已存在的记录,并且有数据的变更,触发数据插入历史表的行为。
id=$1 = 1price=$2 = 2postgres=# with old as (select * from tbl where id= $1), new as (insert into tbl values ($1, $2) on conflict (id) do update set price=excluded.price where tbl.price<>excluded.price returning *) insert into tbl_history select old.* from old,new where old.id=new.id;INSERT 0 1postgres=# select tableoid,ctid,* from tbl union all select tableoid,ctid,* from tbl_history ; tableoid | ctid | id | price ----------+-------+----+------- 18243 | (0,1) | 2 | 7 18243 | (0,3) | 1 | 2 18251 | (0,1) | 1 | 1(3 rows)插入一条已存在的记录,并且已存在的记录值和老值一样,不会触发将数据插入历史表的行为。
id=$1 = 1price=$2 = 2postgres=# with old as (select * from tbl where id= $1), new as (insert into tbl values ($1, $2) on conflict (id) do update set price=excluded.price where tbl.price<>excluded.price returning *) insert into tbl_history select old.* from old,new where old.id=new.id;INSERT 0 0postgres=# select tableoid,ctid,* from tbl union all select tableoid,ctid,* from tbl_history ; tableoid | ctid | id | price ----------+-------+----+------- 18243 | (0,1) | 2 | 7 18243 | (0,3) | 1 | 2 18251 | (0,1) | 1 | 1(3 rows)执行计划
postgres=# explain with old as (select * from tbl where id= $1), new as (insert into tbl values ($1, $2) on conflict (id) do update set price=excluded.price where tbl.price<>excluded.price returning *) insert into tbl_history select old.* from old,new where old.id=new.id; QUERY PLAN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Insert on tbl_history (cost=2.17..2.23 rows=1 width=8) CTE old -> Index Scan using tbl_pkey on tbl (cost=0.14..2.16 rows=1 width=8) Index Cond: (id = 1) CTE new -> Insert on tbl tbl_1 (cost=0.00..0.01 rows=1 width=8) Conflict Resolution: UPDATE Conflict Arbiter Indexes: tbl_pkey Conflict Filter: (tbl_1.price <> excluded.price) -> Result (cost=0.00..0.01 rows=1 width=8) -> Nested Loop (cost=0.00..0.05 rows=1 width=8) Join Filter: (old.id = new.id) -> CTE Scan on old (cost=0.00..0.02 rows=1 width=8) -> CTE Scan on new (cost=0.00..0.02 rows=1 width=4)(14 rows)在不支持insert on conflict语法的PostgreSQL中(小于9.5的版本),SQL可以调整为:
id=$1 = 1price=$2 = 2with new as (update tbl set price=$2 where id=$1 and price<>$2) insert into tbl select $1, $2 where not exists (select 1 from tbl where id=$1);更多upset参考https://yq.aliyun.com/articles/36103小于9.5的版本,实现本文的场景,需要这样写。
id=$1 = 1price=$2 = 2with old as (select * from tbl where id=$1),new_upd as (update tbl set price=$2 where id=$1 and price<>$2 returning *),new_ins as (insert into tbl select $1, $2 where not exists (select 1 from tbl where id=$1) returning *)insert into tbl_history select old.* from old left outer join new_upd on (old.id=new_upd.id) where new_upd.* is not null;